Seeking customers/clients not satisfied with ‘good enough’

February 4, 2019

We share this desire, you and me. You are seeking customers and I am seeking clients that are not satisfied with ’good enough.’

In a couple of weeks, we will be gathering in Las Vegas for the International Builders Show and Kitchen and Bath Industry Show. As we seek to find those looking for better than ‘good enough,’ we will ask them some of the same questions like “What are your top challenges for the New Year?”

As you listen closely, you/we hope to hear at least one challenge we can immediately offer to help them solve. For you, this is likely a product that meets a new code requirement or a color palette others do not offer or service that is like none of the competition. For me, it may be creating and delivering content that makes them stand out from the competition and connects with their customers or providing them with insights and experiences others do not have that will lead them to their goals.

Our biggest challenge, you and me, is getting our customers and clients to recognize and acknowledge they are settling for ‘good enough.’ Most of us believe we are doing our very best even if we can show them how to do better. To admit they can do better is risky and often a difficult admission. To state openly the desire for this type of change is brave. Bringing it to action is outstanding. These are the customers and clients we are both seeking. The customers and clients that is not willing to accept ‘good enough.’

Our shared search for customers and clients that are not satisfied with ‘good enough’ is special because we can help one another. We simply need to start by talking about it. So let’s begin by meeting one another in person at IBS + KBIS in a few days in Las Vegas or when you return to the office.

When we meet, let’s plan to share your top challenges for the New Year and I will share our approach to overcoming at least one of them with you. If you appreciate irony, your challenge to me should be finding customers that are not satisfied with ‘good enough.’

Please drop me a note with a good day and time to meet. I will do the same with you. I look forward to meeting you in person and to moving past ‘good enough.’




There is an old saying that “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” While this may be true in some places, it never more false than with social media.

During a recent search of Instagram, we found thirty different posts that looked like one another within a seven-minute period. We have highlighted nine of these posts in the collage to the left. Each of these nine posts is from different manufacturers featuring different products from cabinets and countertops to lighting and windows. Can you name the nine different manufacturers based on these images?

The Harvard Business Review calls this collaborative competition. We call it Chronic Boredom and we are committed to helping our clients build on their success with content marketing to stand out from the crowd.

Join us to #StopChronicBoredom.

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